Public Advocacy

AHDS plays vital role in lobbying to promote an informed, healthy, and strong democratic society. We witness and respond to the impact of public policies on the people we serve. AHDS streamlines its advocacy attempts through active membership in coordination bodies in Afghanistan; ACBAR, ANCB and AHO. In addition, AHDS takes part in sister advocacy attempts internationally; in collaboration with other non-for-profit organizations worldwide. For further details please Click Here

Current Projects

PHC in Hard-to-Reach Areas

The “PHC in Hard-to-Reach Areas” project is funded through Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF). Project objective is access to primary health care services in hard-to-reach areas; with emphasis on treatment and prevention of respiratory infections and other winter related risks. Two basic health centers (BHC) were established: 1. Helmand: Reg (Khan Nishin) District and 2. Zabul: Daychopan District. read details

Health Emergency Response (HER) in Uruzgan

Health Emergency Response (HER): basic package of health services (BPHS) and essential package of hospital services (EPHS) through 64 health facilities in Uruzgan Province. The project is part of program supported by UNICEF (till end of 2023) with financial assistance of World Bank and Asian Development details

Live saving PHC in White-areas

The project goal is to enhance and provide lifesaving support for the people in need in Helmand, Nimroz, Urozgan and Zabul provinces through provision of primary health care services. Direct beneficiaries are about 232,976 people. The project is funded by WHO. read details

Life-saving Reproductive Healthcare

The overall objective is to provide life-saving reproductive health services. The purpose is increased access to basic reproductive maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) services through family health houses (FHH) in 25 prioritized white areas of Urozgan Province.. The project is funded by UNFPA. read details

AHDS is seeking fund for the Kandahar Institute of Health Science (KIHS)

KIHS has four schools: midwifery, nursing, laboratory technician and pharmacy technician. The young health professionals (male and female) graduated from these schools are enthusiaticaly serving their communities through public and private health facilities.  read details